Amber man’s sobbing causing hearing to be postponed for CSC plea

November 19, 2013

Wayne Charles Lyle bows his head while his attorney David Glancy listens to the prosecutor.

LUDINGTON — An Amber Township man became too emotional to have his day in court today. Wayne Charles Lyle, 71, of 151 S. Wildwood Run, Apt. 7, appeared in 51st Circuit Court this afternoon. He is being charged with criminal sexual conduct first degree and CSC second degree. The first count is punishable by 25 years to life in prison while the second count is up to 15 years in prison. The charges stem from allegations that Lyle molested children related him.

Because he has a previous conviction of CSC, he would get a mandatory life sentence.

Mason County Prosecutor Paul Spaniola was prepared to offer Lyle a plea agreement of dropping the first two charges in exchange for two counts of CSC second degree. He would receive a sentence of 15 to 30 years in prison based on the habitual offender status.

Lyle cried uncontrollably while Spaniola and Judge Richard Cooper spoke. This raised concerns from the judge that Lyle did not hear all of what was being said, which could be a liability in an appeals process.

Prior to the hearing, Lyle stated: “I need help. I have something to plea. I’m trying to get myself together.”

His hearing was postponed until December 3 at 2 p.m. Lyle is being lodged in the Mason County Jail.

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