Ludington promotes 3 to supervisors

November 11, 2013

UPDATED: LUDINGTON — The Ludington City Council promoted three employees during tonight’s regular meeting. Recently, Shawn McDonald, Department of Public Works supervisor, retired. In addition, Rob Allard, supervisor of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Utility Maintenance Department, announced his resignation to accept the position as Pentwater Village Manager.

City Manager John Shay, and the city’s personnel committee, recommended promoting three DPW employees to supervisor positions:

– Joe Stickney, DPW crew leader, will be promoted to supervisor of public works, cemeteries and parks and motor pool at a beginning salary of $55,000 per year with 6 months probation.

– Darryll Plamondon, utility maintenance department crew leader, will be promoted to UMD supervisor at a beginning salary of $48,000 per year with 6 months probation.

– Chris Cossette, wastewater treatment plant chief operator, will be promoted to supervisor of that department at a beginning salary of $53,000 per year with 6 months probation.

“Joe, Darryll and Chris have demonstrated that they have the knowledge, skills and ability to succeed in their positions,” Shay said in a memo to city council.

Stickney and Plamondon were promoted effective tonight while Cossette will be promoted effective Nov. 27.

City council meets at 6:30 p.m. at the Ludington Municipal Complex on North Harrison Street.

“Nice to see that we are able to promote from within,” Mayor John Henderson said. “You each come strongly recommended by each of your managers and we wish you well here.”

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