Scottville resident raises chicken issue again

October 21, 2013

SCOTTVILLE — A Scottville resident would like to raise chickens on the property he rents on the southeast side of town. The resident, who lives at 116 E. Second St. asked the city commission to grant permission to raise up to 10 hens at the house for the purpose of producing eggs for consumption.

The city’s ordinance requires permission to possess domestic animals or fowl – with the exception of dogs, cats, birds or animals commonly classified as pets – including horses, cattle, swine, sheep, ponies, goats, rabbits or any other animal or fowl. The ordinance allows for special permission from the city commission.

Three years ago, the city commission followed the recommendation of its planning commission and denied a permit by a resident of the same address.

City Manager Amy Williams acknowledged that it is becoming a trend in many cities to allow chickens for the purposes of producing eggs. She said she the city commission will discuss this again and is likely to turn it over to the planning commission, again. She said before making any type of consideration, the commissioners would want to hear from neighbors on what they think about the issue.

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