UDPATED: MCC to layoff 2 teachers

October 21, 2013

mcc logoUPDATED: SCOTTVILLE – The Mason County Central Board of Education is most likely going to layoff two teachers following action during tonight’s regular monthly meeting. Superintendent Jeff Mount told the board, in a memo, that the two positions need to be cut due to the loss of students and to maintain the school’s current level of student programming and services.

“In the secondary levels we have small class sizes in the areas of math and science and these are the two areas where staffing will be reduced,” he said. “These layoffs will not increase current elementary class sizes and will only adjust those small science and third trimesters.”

Mount spoke with MCP this afternoon. We asked him about a recent $81,000 fine that was assessed to MCC from the Michigan Department of Education and if it had anything to do with the layoffs.

“We were assessed a fine from the Michigan Department of Education for having two teachers who were uncertified a portion of last year until we discovered it,” Mount said. “That payment has been spread out over three years and was not the sole reason for the layoffs.”

Mount said enrollment is down by 48 students. The school receives $7,040 per student, which means a loss of revenue of $337,920.

Layoff notices for the staff members affected will be delivered by this Friday, if approved by the board of education tonight. The changes in staffing will take place at the beginning of the second trimester on Nov. 25.

The board will meet at 7 p.m.

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