Bill will give veterans credit for firefighter training

October 16, 2013

LANSING — Veterans will get credit for the firefighting training and experience they earned during military service through legislation sponsored by Rep. Ray Franz that was approved by the Senate Military and Veterans Affairs Committee this week.

House Bill 4731 is part of a five-bill package that makes eligible certain military service jobs eligible to fulfill Michigan’s occupational licensing requirements for firefighter, law enforcement, stationary steam engineers and boiler operators, mechanical contractors and residential builders.

“My bill allows returning veterans with firefighter experience to get a waiver from the examination to become a licensed firefighter,” said Franz, R-Onekama. “This, along with the rest of the package, provides the opportunity for returning veterans to get back in the workforce and provide the income and the life we all desire as quickly as possible.

“This is an opportunity for them and they deserve it. They’ve sacrificed for us and it’s time for us to return a little of that favor.”

The measures – HBs 4605, 4731, 4752, 4754 and 4756 – are the latest in a series of legislative efforts to remove obstacles for employability and show gratitude to those who served in uniform. They were approved unanimously by the House at the beginning of summer.

HB 4731 and the other four bills now go to the full Senate for consideration.

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