Welcome to the world… Corben and Avery

September 25, 2013

abc kidz 091313 for birthsWelcome to the world:

  • Corben Anthony Gage Shafer, born September 23, 2013 at Memorial Medical Center. He is the son of Krystle and Jeremy Shafer of Hart.
  • Avery Elise Anes, born September 23, 2013 at Memorial Medical Center. She is the daughter of Allison and Steven Anes of Scottville.


Birth announcements are brought to you by ABC Kidz/Purple Monkey, 123 E. Ludington Ave., Ludington. Check out their Facebook page here. 

We are happy to share your newborn pictures as well. Please email them, along with information, to editor@masoncountypress.com.

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