Welcome to the world Estella, Bradley and Abigail

September 21, 2013

abc kidz 091313 for birthsWelcome to the world:

  • Bradley Camden Counterman, born September 18, 2013 at Memorial Medical Center. He is the son of Trista Overdorf and Roger Counterman of Scottville.
  • Estella Elise Barnard, born September 19, 2013, at Memorial Medical Center. She is the daughter of Tara J. Moore and Clark S. Barnard, both of Baldwin.
  • Abigail Joan TenHave, born September 19, 2013 at Memorial Medical Center. She is the daughter of Amanda and Rodney TenHave Jr. of Chase.


Birth announcements are brought to you by ABC Kidz/Purple Monkey, 123 E. Ludington Ave., Ludington. Check out their Facebook page here. 

We are happy to share your newborn pictures as well. Please email them, along with information, to editor@masoncountypress.com.