Looking for sports enthusiasts

July 29, 2013

School fall sports don’t start for another month, but the weather sure feels like it’s the season! Mason County Press is looking for fan writers who can provide us with updates, stories and photos of area school sporting events.

We need fans who are committed and consistent, though. If your son or daughter is involved with middle school or high school sports and you want to help promote the sports, we would love to talk to you. This would also be a great resume-builder for a student who wants to get into journalism.

Remember, MCP is about providing information to you first. We need people who understand this and are able to send us information in a timely manner.

We are looking for people who will report on the game in the following ways:

– Provide us with text updates throughout the game.
– Photograph and video action of the game as it happens.
– Write a summary of the game including quotes from the coaches and submit within a few hours after the game.

We also would like to write feature stories on student athletes and promote upcoming games.

In order to make this successful, we need participation from several parents and/or students from a variety of sports.

If you would like to be part of MCP Sports, please email us at editor@masoncountypress.com.

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