Salvation Army surveying its needs

July 18, 2013

LUDINGTON — Salvation Army of Ludington has been assessing itself and the communities it serves. For the past week Norman Marshall of Coles and Associates, Grand Rapids, has been in Mason County talking with various community members about what Salvation Army means to them.

In order to make an effective assessment, he said he needs to have over 60 respondents. Though he was conducting face to face interviews, the survey can also be filled out by the public at

Marshall said he is finding out community members believe personal incomes have been lowered in Mason County over the past several years. Also, there are several agencies that provide redundant services. He said another major finding, so far, is that the local Salvation Army is known among emergency service agencies and human services agencies but it is not very commonly known among the general public.

He said each Salvation Army post is self-sustaining and the hope is for the Ludington Salvation Army to take the information and use it to make changes and/or improvements in the services it provides.

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