Letter: Great job Jaycees

July 6, 2013

Dear Editor,

I want to congratulate the Ludington Area Jaycees and the Ludington community on a spectacular 4th of July celebration.  As the current President of the Michigan JCI Senate, senior organization to the Jaycees, I have had the opportunity to travel to many communities throughout our great state.  I am in awe of this particular Jaycees chapter.  These young men and women have a close bond with local government, merchants and other key members in the area that resulted in one of the largest parades I’ve ever seen only to be followed by a phenomenal firework display over Lake Michigan.

I understand that they also held a children’s parade / grand marshal presentation the night before on July 3rd (I was sadly not present for this).   Any one event in itself is a large undertaking.  Being able to do this within 36 hours is an example that the energetic members of the Jaycees organization has to offer every community.  I would hope that other men and women, between the ages of 21 and 40, who enjoyed these activities, will seek out membership to the Ludington Area Jaycees.  Imagine what this celebration would look like, not to mention all the additional events they could plan and implement, with more young adult members of the community developing strong leadership skills.


Congratulations to Ludington,

Susan K Foltin

41st President, MI JCI Senate

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