Councilor votes against DDA millages

June 25, 2013

LUDINGTON — During Monday’s Ludington City Council meeting, the council passed its 2014 budget. Several various millage levies were passed. But, one councilor, Wanda Marrison, voted against the two agenda items dealing with the Downtown Development Authority’s budget.

“I just think they money they have could be managed better,” Marrison told MCP following the meeting. “I’ve been on this council for four years and I’m not happy with their bookkeeping practices. I think it could be utilized better.”

Marrison did not give specific examples of what she meant.

The DDA, also known as Downtown Ludington Board, oversees improvements to the downtown area. It is responsible for many downtown events and for improvements to infrastructure, like the recent rebuilding of a parking lot. It also helps oversee grant funding for improvements to the downtown buildings.

One of the two most popular downtown Ludington events are the Friday Night Live series and the New Year’s Eve ball drop, which are all attended by thousands of people.

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