Holman withdraws from mayor rac

May 13, 2013

LUDINGTON — Ludington City Councilor Kaye Ferguson Holman announced this morning that she has decided not to seek the office of mayor. Instead, she will remain a city councilor.

“When I decided to run for city council it just felt right,” she told MCP this morning. “But, when I took out the petition for mayor, I just didn’t have the same feeling.”

Holman said she had originally decided to run for mayor because there had only been one other person who announced his candidacy. But, since that time, several others have stepped forward.

Holman said she enjoys her duties as city councilor and looks forward to finishing her term, which ends in two years. She, like all councilors and the mayor, is limited to three four-year terms.

“I would like to thank all the voters who so graciously signed my petitions and all those who have wished me well, and, laughingly, call me Mrs. Mayor. I’m so proud of Ludington and of being your councilor-at-large for these past 10 years and I feel I am in a better place to serve you by staying on as your councilor.

“I have withdrawn my petitions and therefore have taken my name out of the race for our next mayor. My health is good and I’m still working full time as Kaye’s Care volunteering as much as I am able, plus I have growing grandchildren and their families.

“All of these things have entered into my decision, but most of all, I love being on council and the various committees. It’s a true pleasure to assist in Ludington’s growth.

“Since there are so many other candidates offering their services, I’m sure we can make an informed decision and elect Ludington’s next mayor.

Holman was instrumental last year in the campaign to extend the mayor’s term limits from three four-year terms to five four-year terms. That effort was voted down by the voters, meaning Mayor John Henderson cannot run again. Holman said if she had run for mayor she would like to have continued the efforts and visions Henderson has put into place.

The deadline for turning in petitions for any city seat is 4 p.m. Tuesday. To date, according to City Clerk Deborah Luskin, the following have turned in petitions: A. Pete Engblade, David Kosla, Ryan Cox and Wally Taranko. Tom Rotta took out a petition but has not yet filed. 

Other petitions that have been turned in include:

Clerk: Deborah Luskin (incumbent)

Second Ward Councilor: Kathy Winczewski. David Buskirk has taken out a petition but has not yet turned it in. The seat is currently held by Wally Taranko who has chosen not to seek re-election.

Fourth Ward Councilor: Wanda Marrison (incumbent)

Sixth Ward Councilor: Gary Castonia (incumbent)