Both Ludington school proposals pass

May 7, 2013

LUDINGTON — Both Ludington Area Schools ballot proposals overwhelmingly passed today. The voters approved a millage to purchase new buses and also approved a sinking fund.

With 1,366 people voting, the sinking fund proposal passed by 75%, 1,019 yes and 347 no. Almost the same margin passed the bus millage with 1,023 yes and 343 no.

The sinking fund proposal allows the school board to levy up to .25 mill for a period of 10 years. The taxes collected would be used for a sinking fund for building construction and repairs. The estimated revenue the district will collect in 2013 will be approximately $271,697.

The district will also be allowed, under the bus proposal, to borrow up to $2.2 million to replace its aging bus fleet. The bond is for 9 years with an estimated annual average millage of .22 mill.

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