Ludington council to decide outdoor dining ordinance tonight

April 22, 2013

LUDINGTON — Ludington City Council is expected to make a decision on the outdoor dining ordinance during its regular meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. The ordinance allows for establishments to have outdoor dining and entertainment/music without receiving special permission from the planning commission.

The ordinance had been expected to pass last month but some citizens and business owners had raised concerns about the sound levels being allowed in teh ordinance  The ordinance had allowed for the playing of live or recorded outdoor music at a maximum level of 90 decibels measured from 20 feet. The concern was that the 90 decibels mark was too loud.

The Building and Licenses Committee met last week and a change was made to the ordinance reading.
The ordinance now reads that an establishment can play live or recorded music as long as it is not in a way that disturbs the peace.

“This gives the police department some discretion to enforce this part of the zoning ordinance,” City Manager John Shay said. “We tried to merge this with some existing language in the city code.”

Nate Petersen, one of the citizens who spoke out against the previous wording, said he was pleased with the changes.

“We are all trying to work together and create an environment so that everyone downtown is successful,” Mayor John Henderson said.

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