If you give a mom a home office…..

April 10, 2013

blog_stephanie_wagnerThe Kitchen Sink. A blog by Stephanie Wagner.

If you give a mom a home office…..

She will sit down at her desk in her pajamas at 6:00 to get a head start on the day.  She will boot up her computer to respond to yesterday’s emails, when she realizes that she needs a cup of coffee.

She will go to the kitchen to make one, and when she gets there, she will realize that there are dishes in the sink.

When she goes to load the dishwasher, she will remember that she is out of detergent.  She will go to the drawer to get some paper to start a list, and on the way she will stub her toe on the backpack that is lying in the middle of the floor.

She will swear loudly, which will wake the kids up and they will inevitably want some breakfast.

While she is making their breakfast, she will remember that she has an important meeting in an hour that she is completely unprepared for – and that she can’t wear her pajamas to it.

She will run to the bedroom to pull out something to wear.  While she is doing that, she will realize that she hasn’t been eating the best now that she can open the fridge any time of day or night.  Which reminds her that she still hasn’t had a cup of coffee, or breakfast.

She will go back into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, passing by her computer, which has now loaded 356 emails.  She will stop to scroll through them, hoping her meeting might have been cancelled.  Thinking about the meeting will remind her that she does not have time to sit down, and she will continue back to the kitchen.

When she gets to the kitchen, she will notice the breakfast dishes in the sink and when she goes to load the dishwasher, she will remember that she is out of dish soap.

Stepping over the backpack that is still laying in the middle of the floor, she will grab a piece of paper to start a grocery list.  Under the pad of paper, she will find an unsigned field trip note that requires $4 to be attached, and a study guide for yesterday’s social studies test.

While searching the change jar for $4 in the largest coins possible, she will again trip over the backpack.  This will snag her last pair of nylons, sending her back to the closet to search for a pair of pants that fit.

She will add nylons to the store list, and go to grab her computer and papers for her meeting.  On her way back to her office, she will step in a puddle of cat vomit.  While stripping off her socks, on the way to the laundry room, she will trip over the backpack that is unbelievably still in the middle of the floor.

She will realize that the kids have already left for school.  She will grab the backpack, her computer and papers, hope her feet don’t freeze without the socks she no longer has time to find, and walk out the door.

When she gets back home from dropping off the backpack, her meeting, and the grocery store, she will sit back down at her computer to respond to her email.  As soon as she sits down, she will realize that she needs a cup of coffee……


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