Scottville approves paving bid, lift chair

March 5, 2013

By Lisa Enos

MCP Correspondent.

SCOTTVILLE – The Scottville city commissioner had a full agenda Monday. It awarded a bid for street resurfacing in the amount of $33,960, approved up to $6,000 for the purchase of a lift chair for the Riverside Park swimming pool and and decided to place an ad for a part time police chief.

“We spent a lot of money tonight,” said City Manager Amy Williams.

The bid to resurface Broadway in the 100 blocks east and west of Main Street and an the alley to the east of the library was to awarded to Elmer’s. The work will take place over a couple of days before the end of July.

The lift chair for the Riverside Park swimming pool could have cost the city somewhere between $3,000 and $4,000, but the parks and recreation committee made a recommendation to buy one with added accessories, including a warranty and a sturdy cover, to prevent damage that may come from people playing on it. The chair will be paid for out of park revenue, and is necessary due to a government mandate. The city plans to have the chair installed before the park is open, hopefully before Memorial Day Weekend, weather permitting.

The decision to advertise for a part time Scottville police chief is a contingency plan, in case a deal the city of Scottville has been working on with the county to share a sheriff’s deputy does not come to fruition. Williams said she had already received a couple of requests for applications from interested parties who read about the possible job opening in the paper and the Mason County Press.

The commissioners have also received three letters of interest from people who would like to serve on the planning commission, replacing Rob Alway who resigned in February. Jordan Devries, Lisa Foster and Tom Hooper, who was present at the commission meeting Monday are the candidates. Foster and Hooper do not live inside the city limits, however, as Williams explained, it is not necessary that all members of the planning commission live inside the city limits of Scottville. Devries is the fiance of Scottville Main Street Manager Heather Landis.

Mayor Joe Baxter asked for some more time reviewing the letters and resumés before making a recommendation. The next planning commission meeting is scheduled for April.

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