Thad Ray, our new correspondent

March 4, 2013
Thad Ray

Thad Ray

Editor’s note: When Mason County Press was started last winter, Thad Ray was one of the first people to approach me and ask if he could start writing a blog. Full Circle has been one of our most well-received blogs. Thad has decided he wants to move to another level and start writing some articles for us.

Thad was born in Ludington and has lived there most of his life. After graduating from Ludington High School in 1990 he moved to a few different places around the state, eventually making his way back home.

“I am a firm believer that life is not lived from the sidelines and I like new experiences and challenges,” he says. Thad spends a lot of his time thinking and writing and says his slightly obsessive/slightly A.D.D. personality often leads him to some interesting subject matter.

In his spare time, when he’s not hanging with his 10-year-old daughter Jada, Thad likes to play music and poker. He recently bought a Magic Eight Ball stating “This is going to make everything so much easier!”, and one of his current goals is to be able to consistently solve the Rubik’s cube in under a minute.

Thad will be writing a semi monthly feature for us and is also being assigned to cover the Amber Township board of trustees monthly meetings.

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