Winter reflections

February 26, 2013

blog_judy_coolsMoonlighting, a blog by Judy Cools

Birdsong broke the silence of our snow-muffled woods this morning. After months of quiet, the sound of birds in the frozen woods rang crisp and clear – so uplifting. I never realize how much I love the birds until they’ve been quiet for a while.

Not to be outdone by these feathery things, the quiet ball of muscle and fur at the end of the leash spoke up, too. Twirling and yarping, Bekka had spotted some deer bedded down in the snow. It didn’t help that they stood up, ready to run when she began her barking. They seem to have learned that the leash only goes so far, and that I will take the dog in another direction when she gets so interested in them. It’s OK, Bekka. They are deer and they live out here. It’s really all right.

After our walk, carefully skirting the deer zone to get back in the house, the dog settles down. It doesn’t seem to bother her that they are in the yard – unless she is out there with them. From inside, she just quietly watches them as they paw through the snow looking for something to eat. I hope they find the broccoli I put out there.

Now they are nibbling on the evergreens. It’s funny to see them pull on the small branches and get snowfall from the branches above. Silly things. You’d think they would figure that out. Or maybe that’s just the best of what the woods has to offer this late in the winter, even if it means a snow-bath.

A few have snuggled back into their beds in the snow, shadowy silhouettes at the edge of the woods. Still wary, but resting now, I could watch them for hours. We feel honored to have them camp here, just part of the magic of life in the woods.

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