Free Soil annexation approved

February 26, 2013

FREE SOIL — The Free Soil Community School District will no longer exist as of June 30 of this year. Voters today decided 133 to 8 to annex the district into Mason County Eastern Public Schools.

“I credit the Free Soil board of education for doing a good job of explaining the tax issues regarding the annexation vote,” Superintendent Ron Nurnberger said. “It really is a win-win situation for both Free Soil taxpayers, the MCE school district and the village of Free Soil. Even though the closing of the Free Soil District will remain a sad thing—-the taxpayers will be well served and the village can retain the playgound, property and buildings for the entire community to use.”

The school district was once known as one of the smallest in Michigan. When the annexation is complete, the district will have donated the school’s buildings to the village of Free Soil.

Nurnberger said the board of education intends to make sure the buildings are in great shape before transferring ownership.

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