A record year for the libraries

February 21, 2013

Chris’ Library World. A blog by Chris Bacon.

Well, it’s February 2013 already and after a month of reflection I’d like to look back at 2012 and remember it fondly. Perhaps examine and share some of the highlights from the Mason County Libraries historic record breaking busiest year ever. And I thought what better way to do this then with a top ten list. Now I have to admit that I did not come up with the list myself. There was a very scientific poll of one conducted on an unnamed random individual who perhaps by chance works at the library. So here it is the “Top Ten Things That Happened At the Mason County District Libraries During The Year Of MMXII.”

1. Over 200,000 visitors stopped at one or the other or both libraries during the year and I swear I must have waited on 199,999.5 of them.

2. The Ludington Library expanded with the addition of the Keith Wilson Children’s Center and now is 1/100th the size of the Roman Coliseum.

3. The meeting room at the Scottville library was painted by a would be Picasso in the wings. But, was quickly fixed to make it look nice.

4. Over 300,000 library items were loaned. Just under 1/1000th of those I checked out to myself. What can I say; I really like Dr. Seuss books.

5. More than 75,000 computer sessions were conducted on the public access computers. I wonder how many new Facebook friends were made and terminated during that time.

6. Just north of 1,000 kids entered the annual calendar and bookmark contests. Regrettably my petition for increasing the age range to include adults was denied due to lack of signatures. There was only one. But, I signed it really, really big.

7. Over 2500 kids attended story and craft programs during the year. That’s a whole lotta crafting going on. And amazingly not a single finger was lost due to a scissor malfunction.

8. The libraries offered over 1,000 programs and events during the year with 25,000 people attending. That’s like 1,000 parties with 25 people at each party. That’s 25 more people than when I throw a party. Sad I know. I don’t even attend my own parties.

9. Six hundred kids enrolled in the Summer Reading Program and read 7000 hours over the summer. They must have each read War and Peace one time.

10. Chris started writing a blog for the Mason County Press. Nuff said.

So as you can see it was a pretty stupendous record breaking year. And it was all made possible with the help and support of the Mason County Community. So thank you for the contributions, donations, and visits and please stop by anytime during normal business hours and preferably not 5 minutes before we close. We would love to make MMXIII the newest historic record breaking busiest year ever.

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