Women’s heart health forum features Dr. Overmyer

February 18, 2013

LUDINGTON — One of the persistent medical myths is that heart disease is a largely male malady. In fact, more women die each year from heart disease than men. That has been true every year since 1984.

Amanda Overmyer, MD, will discuss this and other facts about women’s heart health in a public forum on Wednesday, Feb. 25, at 1 p.m. at the Ludington Senior Center, 308 S. Rowe St. The presentation is free and open to people of all ages.

“While cardiovascular problems tend to become more prevalent in older people,” Dr. Overmyer observes, “women in their 30s and 40s can be at risk, especially if they have other risk factors, such as overweight, smoking and diabetes. “

February is American Heart Month, and the presentation at the senior center is one of the ways Dr. Overmyer is helping to increase awareness of the seriousness of heart illness faced by women as well as men.

“It’s not widely recognized that heart disease is the leading cause of death among American women,” Dr. Overmyer said. “Heart disease kills more women than all types of cancer combined. This in no way minimizes the seriousness of breast cancer and other forms of cancer. But it is vital to also recognize what an urgent issue heart disease is and make heart health a priority in each of our lives.”

“I hope in my presentation to not only stimulate that sense of urgency, but also offer advice on how to reduce the risk of heart disease. I also plan to discuss how women’s heart disease symptoms may differ from those of men.”

Dr. Overmyer is a member of the medical staff at Memorial Medical Center in Ludington. Her family practice office is located at 922 Lawndale St. in Ludington.

Seating for the Feb. 25 presentation is limited. Advance reservations can be made by calling the community education line at Memorial Medical Center, 845-2222 or 800-343-9566.

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