MCC students rally against bullying

February 17, 2013


By Miranda Beebe
MCP Correspondent

Scottville — An anti-bullying assembly was held recently at Mason County Central Upper Elementary. The theme was “not in my school.” Kevin Kimes, principal of the Upper Elementary and guest speaker Trooper Greg Hubers of the Michigan State Police entertained the third through fifth grade students while relaying a very serious message, bullying hurts.

When students were asked to raise their hands, they defined bullying as pushing, kicking, stealing lunch from someone, picking on someone, and punching. Trooper Greg reminded students that it is also leaving someone out.

Kimes also played a song that he wrote specifically for the assembly, called “Not in Our School” which also happens to be the new anti-bullying phrase for MCC, “not in our school will you bully.” While he was performing, students in the ABC (Anti-Bullying Committee, with student representatives from each class) stood in the front and held up signs that went along with the music. The students in the audience were captivated and clapped to the beat through the whole song. Then they all signed a pledge to not be a bully, or a bystander, and to not allow themselves to be made a victim. After the assembly, what do I have to say about bullying? Not in our school.

Top photo: Kevin Kimes performs “Not in Our School”
Bottom photo: Trooper Greg talks to the 3rd grade students while the sign the pledge


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