A reader’s review: RENT

February 8, 2013


The following review was submitted by Deej Miller on the Lakeside Civic Players’ production of RENT, which debuted Thursday night at the Ludington Area Center for the Arts. See related story here.

Homosexuality, AIDS, drug use and more covered in Ludington performance of Rent.

Ludington’s own Lakeside Civic Players set out to tackle Broadway’s gem, RENT, a controversial musical that tackles topics such as homosexuality, AIDS and drug addiction, and aims to bring awareness and acceptance to these topics as well as diversity. In the opening performance, The Civic Players attacked this show with confidence and maturity that is usually seen in a fully experienced group.

With some of the major roles filled by newer, and in the case of some, first time actors, I was thoroughly impressed by the energy and emotion delivered by the group. The roles were well cast, with the performers convincingly pulling the audience into their world. I found myself choking back tears, especially during the intense moments between Angel and Collins, two gay lovers battling AIDS. The music was well done as well, with plenty of energy to drive this rock epic through the night. With Josh Thomas directing the actors, and his father Tom Thomas at the musical helm, the entire team brought in a memorable night that I’d be happy to enjoy again and again.

Deej Miller

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