Killips hired as interim superintendent

January 9, 2013

Dave_Killips-thumb-120x168-18597LUDINGTON — Ludington native David Killips will serve as Ludington Area Schools’ interim superintendent for the remainder of the school year. Killips, who recently retired as superintendent of Chelsea Public Schools, was hired Tuesday after being interviewed by the board of education.

Killips will be paid $550 a day without benefits and is contracted until June 30.

Current superintendent Cal DeKuiper’s last day will be Jan. 21. He has accepted a position as superintendent of Zeeland Public Schools.

Three Ludington Area Schools administrators had applied for the interim superintendent position with the goal to become hired permanently, DeKuiper told MCP. The three local candidates include Foster Elementary Principal Michael Ritter, Franklin Elementary Principal Andrea Large and Ludington High School Assistant Principal Dan Mesyar.

“The board is interested in those three candidates but it would like some more time to search other candidates as well,” DeKuiper said. “It is more comfortable having an outside interim superintendent.

Mr. Killips was recommended by the consultant hired by the board.” In addition to Chelsea, Killips served as superintendent of Reed City Area Schools from 1997 to 2002, principal of Shelby High School from 1988 to 1997, principal at Decatur High School from 1987 to 198, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director at Decatur Junior High School from 1986 to 1987 and a teacher at Battle Creek Public Schools from 1978 to 1986. He currently resides in Chelsea.

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