Waiting on the ice

December 29, 2012

Hamlin Time: A blog by Sally Olin. 

Looking out over the dunes and the “Narrows” finds today cloudy, 30 degrees and a very lite breeze. Last Monday the lone fisherman motored by in his boat. He is a brave soul…burr, it was cold. He is waiting on the ice like everyone else out here.

Today, December 27, 2012 finds 2 inches of snow on the ground and ice starting to form on Hamlin. John Tanis walked the ice today on Indian Pete and told the neighbors there was 3 inches of ice off Castle Point Resort, good enough to go fishing for this die hard.

As I look out over the rest of the lake, I am thinking about one more week at least before I’d brave it. Christmas was celebrated for the past two weeks with family and friends at both cabins so all is very quiet now, relaxing and a much needed rest. Life is ever changing as we all know.

Friends and family new and old are a gift. It was a great day for a walk in Dan and Phyl’s woods. Lots of tracks including a very big cat. Can hear the Coyotes calling tonight…on the hunt and successful. Otters are still playing in Indian Pete and as we are all waiting on the ice, man and beast alike, let the new year begin.