Scottville will feel pinch if personal property tax eliminated

November 30, 2012

SCOTTVILLE — The Scottville board of commissioners will be discussing the impact of a possible loss of personal property tax during its next regular meeting Monday, Dec. 3.

Lt. Gov. Brian Calley has proposed changes to the Michigan Personal Property Tax (PPT) law.

“For quite some time there has been a movement to do away with personal property taxes,” City Manager Amy Williams wrote to the commission in its pre-meeting packet. “It appears the law is getting closer to being adopted. In the lastest changes there is still no guarantee  for replacement of cities. The Michigan Municipal League is opposing the current PPT Elimination and Revenue Replacement Plan for several reasons.

“As it is currently written starting in 2014 we would lose personal property tax on those businesses with a taxable value of less than $40,000, for us this would equate to a loss of $5,600. Starting in 2016 those businesses with a taxable value greater than $40,000 would start to be eliminated based on the year their equipment was purchased. For us it would mean an additional loss of $27,000.

“Now there is some provision in the law that would allow for us to receive some money back as we operate a police department (Essential Service), but they are not clearing spelling out how much that would be, so this is the MML’s concern.”

The city commission is also expected to appoint Chuck Clark for another term and his wife, Joyce, will also be appointed to fill a vacancy on the board.

The complete agenda may be downloaded below:


Scottville City Commission 120312

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