We will again be posting election results in real time

November 1, 2012

In August Mason County Press made local history by posting real time election results not only on our site but on social media sites Facebook and Twitter. Next Tuesday night, we will again be posting live from the Mason County Courthouse.

We will post each precinct’s results as they come in on our Twitter feed under the hash #mcElections and on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/masoncountypress. Our Twitter page is @MasonCoPress.

We will also post highlights on this site, www.MasonCountyPress.com.

If you would like to help us get the word out, please contact editor Rob Alway at 231.757.3202 or email MasonCountyPress@gmail.com. We are looking for people who can attend the local candidate’s parties and get their comments about the results, win or lose. We also would like photographs. We are also looking for people who will get comments from voters about their responses to the election. The most important aspect of this is that those helping must remain objective.

Because we are a “local” website, our concern is more about the Mason County elections. However, because this is a Presidential election, we’d like to get responses on the state and national races as well.

Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief



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