Governor scheduled to visit Ludington

October 29, 2012

LUDINGTON –Governor Rick Snyder will be in Ludington Saturday for an event at the Stearns Hotel. The stop, tentatively scheduled from 3:15 to 3:30, is part of the Believe in Michigan: Jobs First Bus Tour, a last minute campaign stop on behalf of Republicans running for election.

Snyder may be accompianied by Lt. Gov. Brian Calley, Attorney General Bill Schuette, Justice Brian Zahara, Judge Colleen O’Brien, Congressman Bill Huizenga, State Senator Geoeff Hansen and State Representative Ray Franz.

According to an email from the Mason County Republican Executive Committee a definite plan will not be finalized until several days before the tour. The visit will take place in the ballroom of the Stearns Hotel, RSVPs are required.


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