MCC announces cast to “West Side Story”

October 11, 2012

SCOTTVILLE — The Mason County Central Drama Department recently cast its November musical production of West Side Story, which will be held in the A.O. Auditorium on November 9, 10, 16, and 17.

The cast is as follows-


Director…Mr. Thomas Richert
Musical Conductor…Mr. Tom Thomas
Choreographer…Ingrid Bond
Production Student Producer…Megan Cross
Production Stage Manager…Morgan Muyskens
Assistant Stage Manager…Jenna Knizacky
Assistant Director…Teresa McCann
Sound Operator…Douglas Wyman

The Jets:
Riff…Greg Anderson
Tony…Connar Klock
Action…Darien Battice
A-rab…Morgan Muyskens
Baby John…Alex Tingay

Their Girls:
Grazilla…Kayleen Moffitt
Velma…Margaret Alway
Minnie…Cloe Baerwolf
Clarice…Kari Clark
Pauline…Katelyn Allen
Anybodys…Sarah Wurtz
Jet Girl…Rachel Lange

The Sharks:
Bernardo…Dustin Dunn
Maria…Ana McCallum
Anita…Savanna McCabe
Chino…Isaac Messender
Shark…Niko Fintikis
Shark…Antreas Fintikis
Shark…Emmanuil (Manny) Fintikis

Their Girls:
Rosalia…Bethany Anderson
Consuelo…Kaci Klayton
Francisca…Jenna Knizacky
Margarita…Teresa McCann
Shark Girl…Corinne Davis
Shark Girl…Justice Tingay

The Adults:
Doc…Tristan Scribner
Schrank…Travis Parker
Officer Krupke…Ryan Rush
Gladhand…Tristan Scribner
Girl (Somewhere Solo)…Katelyn Allen

Tickets can be obtained at the door. $5.00 for seniors and students, $9.00 general admission.

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