Citizen sports reporters/photographers wanted

August 22, 2012

The high school sports season has begun! As we enter into fall sports, Mason County Press is in need of Citizen Sports Reporters and Photographers. We would like to cover all area sports, including varsity, junior varsity, middle school and recreation but we need your help.

As many of you following Mason County Press know, the editorial side of the site is basically a one-person operation. I physically cannot be at all events at one time. But, I know that there are many parents and other fans out there who go to several events. I am looking for people to send information and photographs immediately after the games. The sooner the better! The information can be a sports story, statistics or just the score. Photographs should be action photos, sent at 72 dpi at 600 pixels wide (if you aren’t sure, just send it the same size you would post it on Facebook).

If you are interested in doing this on a regular basis, please email me at If you are at a game and it occurs to you to send me an item, that will work too. If you want to send text updates during a game, I will be sure to live Tweet and Facebook post them as you send them. You may text at 231.757.3202 or send a Facebook message to my personal Facebook page.

Mason County Press is YOUR news and information site. I am just the caretaker.

Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief

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