Our new site is coming

March 26, 2012

Sometime in the next few days you should see our new site.

MasonCountyPress.com has been in existence for the past three months and this new site will be the most major change we have made. It will allow us to expand as needed.

However, there will be some bugs to work out. I have to move each archived article from the old site to the new site, one by one. This may take awhile. The strategy has been to move the latest articles first, moving backwards.

Thank you for your patience through this process. I’m not quite sure how this will affect those of you who have “subscribed” to this current site. You may need to re-subscribe to the new site. The best way to monitor MasonCountyPress.com for new stories will be to become a fan through our Facebook page or to follow us on Twitter.

One of the really cool features of the new site is the ability of advertisers to upload their own ads and pay through Paypal. We are also working on adding self-pay classifieds as well.

I wanted to tell you all how much I really appreciate you the readers, our bloggers, our contributing photographers and, of course, our advertisers. I also really appreciate all the hard work of Marnie Nickelson, who has helped me with the design of the new website. I couldn’t have done any of this without any of you.

Together, we have created a wonderful Media Portal that is providing news, information and entertainment. MasonCountyPress.com is locally owned and we are very proud of that.


Rob Alway, Editor

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