Art Center presents Garden Wars

February 15, 2012

LUDINGTON – Creative and competitive gardeners are invited to show off their stuff at the first annual Garden Wars at the Ludington Area Center for the Arts. Brainchild of Kathy Fahlsing, an avid gardener and volunteer at the Center, Garden Wars is a reality show of sorts where each participating gardener is given a plot on the fertile grounds of the center to combine greenery and artistic endeavors of their choosing.


“All gardeners have the souls of artists,” Fahlsing said.  “The Ludington Area Center for the Arts was born from this community’s love for beauty. Garden Wars will allow any interested local gardeners to make the outside of this gorgeous Center as lovely as it deserves to be, and display their own talents as well.”


Anyone or any groups interested may apply for a plot for the growing season.  Those accepted will be allowed to choose their area on a first come, first serve basis.  The plots vary in size and challenge.  If chosen to compete, the gardener or group will receive a gift card as “seed money” to start their plot.  Gardeners will have almost unlimited creative license.  Art pieces may be used and creativity will be welcomed.


At the end of the summer, the plots will be judged and awards given, such as best overall design, best cared-for, most artistic, most colorful, most unique, and biggest change.


If you are interested in participating in Garden Wars this year, please call the Center at 845-2787, or stop by the Center at 107 South Harrison Street to check out the premises and express your interest.  The Center for the Arts is open Tuesday through Saturday, noon-5:30 p.m.


More information about the LACFA may be found at


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