Editor’s Note: I don’t remember when I first met Bruce Miller. It must have been a long time ago since I was in the same grade as his daughter. But, what I mainly know Bruce from is being a fellow member of the Scottville Clown Band. Bruce’s witty tales and jokes have entertained the band members for many years. He now presents some of those stories, about life here in Mason County, to our readers.

Bruce Miller
mcp.com columnist
The Miller family arrived in Mason County by car ferry in the fall of 1971. We parked on Ludington Avenue and walked across to a restaurant for breakfast. The food and service was of such a standard that one might not be surprised to learn that the place is still doing well after all these years.
Our destination was south of Custer and so we had a short drive to go. Highway U.S. 10-31 had only one lane going east and one going west without a turn lane in between. There was no bypass around Scottville, so in the summer cars would be backed up almost to Zack’s (for another column) waiting for the light and eventually to turn left to go north on U.S. 31 to get to their cottages. Of course the long back up was only on Friday night and Saturday morning.
The drive East on U.S. 10-31 was not bad. There were great trees along the route, so as to give shade and cooling along with a restful feeling as one drove (or rode) along. Of course all of the trees were taken out when the highway was widened and people along the way got smaller front yards. I’m just saying !!! The closer we got to Custer, the more I realized that the car needed gasoline.
We drove past a huge business with restaurant, skating rink and parking facilities to accommodate as many as needed. We came to learn that young people from many counties gathered at this place as often as possible. This place was Johnnies and must be the beginning of great memories for many.
As we got closer to Custer Road we stopped at Price’s Shell. I always called him Mr. Price. Not only did Mr. Price know the value of customer relations, he practiced them as a daily routine. Always polite, courteous, honest and a true asset to the community. This kind of business person is slowly vanishing and young people today are the ultimate losers.
We went to our new home and profession and got to know the people of the area with whom we formed lasting and genuine attachments.
To be continued…